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Old 11-14-2014, 02:46 PM   #9
McAllister's Avatar
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Default Re: Point Defence on a Dreadnought Battlesuit

Originally Posted by vierasmarius View Post
For mounting the laser, you could use Shoulder Servomount (UT151). As for operating it, for simplicity's sake I'd assign it a "Parry" score rather than making every Point Defense attempt its own attack. Larger missiles would be easier to hit, but would also require more damage to disable, so I'd call that even and not assign modifiers for missile size. More advanced missiles would be faster or more evasive, so would have a penalty. Likewise, missiles fired at close range (or which pop up over cover) would be harder to intercept.

I'd actually handle ECM the same way, as a "Block" score modified by the sophistication of the missile's electronics. Of course, none of these stats exist yet. I'd be curious to see what results you folks get from intercepting missiles "manually", as a benchmark for the difficulty of these defense rolls.
The problem I have is that there's no difference between the time it takes for a missile to reach the end of the distance it can travel in a second and the time it takes to travel 10 meters. I suppose I'd have more than one chance to shoot down a missile if it's taking more than a second to get to me, and that might be the right amount of resolution.

Vicky, are you suggesting that I shoot the missile launchers first, or that I take an initial Aim action on the launchers and wait subsequently to count my point defense shots as aimed? Because the latter actually sounds like a cool idea, especially if I'm far enough out that no missiles can get to me in a second (and thus it's safe to take the Aim action).
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