Thread: Campaign ideas
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Old 12-03-2020, 01:01 AM   #15
Join Date: Jun 2008
Default Re: Campaign ideas

In CW less is more.

If you want to increase variety without rules complexity consider simple parallels between equipment and just have one with variants.

For example, rather than than use unique stats for every grenade decide on
a base weapon (e.g. paint) then add the difference between the cost for one round of ammunition for the chosen gas/liquid dropper systems and the cost of a paint load. Make the area of effect universal (1" circumference) and you instantly have a coherent system for any liquid/gas grenade.

I found I could then introduce exotic/experimental weapons quickly that my players could get access to a limited supply as rewards for missions (consider the Charge of the Light Brigade scenario) which would then drip feed into general supply. This would give the players an equipment advantage for a few months without it becoming an escalating advantage as a few months later everyone would have them.
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