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Old 06-07-2009, 12:44 PM   #80
Turhan's Bey Company
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: East of the moon, west of the stars, close to buses and shopping
Default Re: Fantasy Setting for GURPS

Originally Posted by Juballa View Post
Are any being submitted (either to e23 or Pyramid)?
In the current version of Pyramid, there was one in #5, and according to Kromm's blog there are two coming up in #8. There were adventures in the old Pyramid as well; I know I had several published.

Originally Posted by Juballa View Post
If not, why aren't folks doing so?
The answers I've seen so far are:
  1. Some authors don't feel like they can write general purpose adventures. (The Bill/Kromm answer)
  2. Given the historically poor sales of adventures, some authors are dubious about the return on their effort. (I want to say Phil Masters said that, but I'm not sure)
  3. Some authors simply find other projects more interesting. (That would be me.)
As I've said here before, I've pitched adventure ideas in the past and they've met with at least preliminary interest, but I've ended up working on other things. Once Low Tech is out of the way, another project I'm involved in has resolved itself, and there's been time to see how well Renaissance Florence is selling, I'm toying with the idea of pitching an old fashioned dungeon crawl, but I've got a list of things I might be interested in, and an adventure isn't necessarily at the top of the list.
I've been making pointlessly shiny things, and I've got some gaming-related stuff as well as 3d printing designs.

Buy my Warehouse 23 stuff, dammit!
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