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Old 06-07-2009, 11:38 AM   #73
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Medford, MA
Default Re: Fantasy Setting for GURPS

Originally Posted by Juballa View Post
Oh, absolutely. TSR had Dragon, which ran adventures occasionally. I'm not sure what precipitated the decision to break off adventures into their own magazine. Were they receiving so many that they felt it was justifiable? Did the idea come first, and they approached known freelancers to get the first issues out (before the unknown freelancers were able to supply enough material to keep the ball rolling)?

I suppose the question for our purposes boils down to, "why aren't GURPS GMs submitting adventures to Pyramid?"
Just to riff off of something whswhs said...if a bunch of authors were inspired to submit adventures to Pyramid...there is no guarentee that they would be fantasy adventures...or if they were, that they'd be whatever it is pawsplay thinks of when he thinks of as "modern genre fantasy." Or that they'd be appropriate for Dungeon Fantasy.

When whswhs says that the GURPS is huge, he is absolutely correct.

And it isn't just genre that are the factors--
1. Genre writ large. Sci-Fi? Fantasy? Modern Espionage? Old West? Historical?
2. Subgenre. Epic Fantasy? Low Fantasy? Romantic Fantasy? Dungeon Fantasy?
3. Power-level. 50pt Starting Characters? 300pt Starting Characters?
4. Gritty vs. Cinematic. Can you take Trained by a Master? Will there be Cinematic Fighting but Gritty Injury? Gritty Fighting but Cinematic Injury? Is the adventure based around the use of Silly Cinematic rules?
5. Robin's Laws/GNS. Is this adventure designed a bit more for the simulationists in mind? For the gamists in mind? For the narrativists in mind? For the method actors? For the power gamers? The adventures I design generally have as their climax something that is method actory. Where the most important moment is not a boss battle, but a moral or ethical choice. I've been long tempted to submit an adventure because the sorts of adventures I like aren't generally published....but I bet that isn't the adventure you want.
6. Presence or absence of supernatural things. Caravan from Ein Arris is a fantasy adventure...but no magic...which means some folks may not be happy with it.
7. Standalone vs. Campaign.

Even if we had one hundred adventures published next quarter, none of them might be what some of the posters calling for adventures want.
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