Thread: Riding Combat
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Old 03-19-2023, 09:54 PM   #7
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Location: Portland, Maine
Default Re: Riding Combat

Originally Posted by Shostak View Post
Some thoughts:
  • Perhaps a rider should be allowed several ride-by attacks, as per the suggestion of others.
  • If a rider makes multiple attacks, they should each suffer a DX penalty. The easy way is to give them all the standard -6 untalented two weapon attack penalty, and the more complicated way is to make each successive attack suffer a greater penalty.
  • Those being attacked might get a roll similar to the HTH initiation roll, with a 5 meaning they avoid the attack and a 6 meaning they get a free attack on the rider or mount.
  • Any target of a ride-by attack who has a ready pole weapon forgoes that roll and gets a first attack.
If we consider a swing each in a combat encounter as 5 seconds (1 turn), then if we do a ride-by that involves another combat encounter I fudged it as part of

I was considering a swing each in a combat encounter to be the traditional 5 seconds (1 turn) and that the ride-by (the continuing of the movement to be similar in concept to extending the movement to Forced Retreat movement at end of turn.

Extending the charge into another ride-by combat theoretically extends the turn another 5 seconds status which seems pushing the limits of the Turn Time mechanics.

Originally Posted by Shostak View Post
John Paul, This makes it sound like he can only make one ride-by attack. Is that what you intend?
Just clarifying any confusion I might have made.

Horseman Joe is intending to go across the entire football field, occasionally hacking lone soldiers.
  • Turn 1 he charges 20 hexes. [Player declares he is charging and goes at least 8 hexes.]
  • Turn 2 Player says he continues charging and at 10 hexes charges Soldier A. They do combat and Horseman Joe survive. Everyone else does their combats and at nearly end of turn Horseman Joe continues his ride-by for another 4 hexes.
  • Turn 3 [Player declares that he is continuing the charge (which started 34 hexes ago)] he continues charging and at 6 hexes encounters Soldier B. Horseman Joe isn't interested in taking a swing at Soldier B, but the solder takes a swing at the Horseman as he goes by. Horseman Joe gets hit, but survives. Everyone else does their combats and at nearly end of turn Horseman Joe continues his ride-by for another 4 hexes and engages Soldier C. This turn now ends.
  • Turn 4 [Player declares his is continuing his charge.]. This turn starts with this charge attack. Soldier C and Horseman do combat. Everyone else does their combats and at nearly end of turn Horseman Joe continues his ride-by for another 12 hexes or engages Soldier D in 6 hexes. If he engages Soldier D, the fight continues next turn.

Horseman Joe can make many ride-by attacks on his journey to the end of the field, just in little turn chunks of 2 ride-by combats in one turn.


What I suggested here is just my trying to come up with a mechanic for this subject and I am glad that there are alternates to be developed.
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