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Old 01-06-2023, 01:47 AM   #4
Steve Plambeck
Join Date: Jun 2019
Default Re: Giant Apprentice

Originally Posted by Axly Suregrip View Post
If I were to allow giants I would have a different XP track for them as this only makes sense. I would also assume both DX and IQ would cost giants more XP to increase than ST.
It's an interesting problem. I've been designing a five (yes five) attribute system in which all the PC races, including Giants, start with 50 points, and as they all start with the same total they can all share the same XP progression table. My Giants start with IQ 7, so it would only take them 200 XP to raise their IQ high enough to learn Aid (provided IQ increases were what they bought first, before the attribute price started going up). They'd still have a pitifully low DX though, and need to work on that too.

But changing that many of the rules to fix such a small problem might rightfully be criticized as a Giant over-kill.
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