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Old 05-15-2007, 11:41 AM   #6
Phil Masters
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Default Notes on Using GURPS Ultra-Tech (4e) in TS: Chapter 2, pt.2

[Continued from previous post]

* Swarmbots: Encompass TS microbots, of course. Many of the details have changed, including the method of cost calculation, but this is recognisably a bunch of material from the main TS book, and the new treatment could be used in 4e Transhuman Space games very easily.

There are a few things to note, though:

1. The "Dust" chassis type has been assigned to TL11, because it's restricted to nanobots. It's easy enough to switch it back to TL10, though; just assume that this one type of nanodevice can be created at TL10.

2. Beamed power is new here. It's probably perfectly plausible for TS games, although its usefulness may be limited.

3. Cannibal swarms have been reassigned to TL12. Somebody presumably decided that there were credibility issues. GMs can decide for themselves whether to keep them, agree that they're beyond TS technology, or maybe make them slower to work and limited to very simple devices. Arguably, if they're available, some version of the (nominally TL11) Disassembler type should be too.

4. Illumination has been renamed Firefly.

5. The Massage type is new but mostly harmless; I'd vote to include it in TS.

6. The Security type is new and quite handy, but seems appropriate for TS. I'd guess that searches using this would require a warrant or just cause in most jurisdictions. (I'd hope so!)

7. The Sensor Array type seems to have disappeared. There may be problems with the concept, but I wouldn't see a lot wrong with bringing it back.

8. Swarmwear is no longer a standard type, but is a generic potential function of the Aerostat type.

9. Multi-Function swarms are restricted to TL11+. There are hints of multi-function swarms in TS, but as I can't find out offhand what's supposed to be possible in this line, there may not be a huge problem here.

Personal Gear and Consumer Goods

A lot of this stuff is probably quite handy for TS. The things that overlap with TS sources mostly seem quite consistent.

* Electronic Ecstasy hasn't been mentioned as available in TS; it may be slightly too close to superscience (though someone with a sensie implant might be able to set it for this effect). I'd stick to smart drugs and brainbugs as the weird vices of the setting.

* Recreational and Personal Robots: While some of the robot types in this book might serve as the basis of new cybershells for TS games, I think that this category - the general-purpose humanoid and the robot pet - are already quite well covered by things like the cyberdoll, humaniform, and cyberdog. So I'd skip these.
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