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Old 11-03-2019, 02:47 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Default Alternative Traveller Setting Ideas

Was thinking about some ideas for alternative Traveller settings. These are settings that are not part of the Charted Space history (ISW, Long Night, Milena 0, Classic, 1120, etc) and GURPS Traveller Alternative history (no assassination/rebellion/Virus), or have some key changes to those settings. To keep the alternatives still “Traveller”, I want to keep the main setting assumptions/key features (as paraphrased from Wikipedia):
Space travel: Interstellar travel is through the use of the FTL (Faster-than-light) jump drive, which moves a ship through "jump space" 1-6 parsecs at a time. Each jump always takes about one week. Normal-space travel is accomplished through relatively efficient and powerful reactionless gravitic drives. Newtonian physics tends to be followed.
Limited communication: There is no faster-than-light information transfer. Communication is limited to the speed of travel. Decisions are made on the local level, rather than by a remote authority.
Morals and mortality: People remain people and continue to show courage, wisdom, honesty and justice, along with cowardice, deceit, and criminal behavior.

I’ll add posts with a few I’ve been playing/building/thinking about.
Please comment and or add your own.

Last edited by DAT; 11-03-2019 at 03:00 PM.
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