Thread: New Monsters
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Old 07-30-2018, 02:38 PM   #50
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Arizona
Default Re: New Monsters

The following are a form of cursed undead. They were modeled after the creepy lesser vampires in the Penny Dreadful series.

ST12 DX12 IQ8 MA14 Prot 3
Attacks: adjDX Dmg Effect
Claws 12 1+1 HTH

Desc: These horrors look mostly human, but are extremely thin, having pale, almost bluish, skin, sunken eyes, and elongated teeth. They are, for the most part, nocturnal predators who use their dominated thralls to lure victims into an ambush.

Bloodless live singly, seeking out the weak willed, dominating them after they have been bitten. Once they have a secure hiding place and a coven of witless, they now prey on the living, using their Witless to bring prey into dangerous places where the Bloodless can then attack, restrain, and exsanguinate.

Bloodless are resistant to damage, but silver weapons bypass this. If injured, they do not bleed until they die; when all the blood in their bodies spills out from all wounds and the mouth, ears, eyes, and nose.
The Witless are mortals and eat mortal fare; well, mostly mortal fare. If dominated longer than a year, they begin to act feral; eating animals newly killed and slinking more than walking.

Dominate: special ability. A mortal failing a 2/IQ save will be beguiled by the Bloodless. Once beguiled, the Witless can be controlled by the Bloodless through vocal commands. Each time the Witless is given a command to lure a victim to the Bloodless the witless gets a 3/IQ roll to break out of the control. So, yeah, if you can fail the 2.IQ roll, the 3/IQ roll might be a bit more difficult.

Any other details are up to the GM.
So you've got the tiger by the tail. Now what?
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