Thread: New Monsters
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Old 07-30-2018, 12:22 PM   #47
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Arizona
Default Re: New Monsters

Another critter taken from one of the MANY fantasy books I've read in the last 40 years. Watch you, they'll peck you eye out, kid.

Gore Birds

ST 8
DX 13
IQ 4
MA 20/2
Prot 0

Attacks: adjDX Dmg
Dive 15 1
Peck 13 1-2

Desc: These large birds have chatoyant, dark red feathers that give it the appearance of being covered in fresh blood. They are flock hunters that will also scavenge. They travel in flocks of 15-20.

Gore Birds attack by diving at their prey and goring then with their beaks. If they are forced to land they will peck repeatedly. The lowest bird in the pecking order will attack first, and being followed by the next bird up the chain with the bird at the top of the pecking order attacking last, if the target is still alive.

Gore Birds travel and hunt during the summer, fall, and winter, and roost in the spring to raise chicks. They live in the western side of the Ring, but for some reason they seem to avoid killing sentient beings, so far.

Afterthoughts: Their split movement rate is flying/hopping on the ground. They really should have to spend an entire turn taking off in which case they get a half move, during which they cannot make any attacks.
So you've got the tiger by the tail. Now what?
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