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Old 04-29-2018, 05:27 PM   #33
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Default Re: [Spaceships] Paying more for better system?

Originally Posted by Sorenant View Post
I didn't knew exactly how to handle Compact, do I double the CF (Compact Genius computer is worth +248 CF)?
So it's supposed to be a compact system of one greater SM, but it's only the computer, not the full control system. I arbitrarily decided half the cost of a control room was the computer and adjusted the CF. So a compact computer should cost twice as much as half a control room, or as much as a control room.

So for an SM +5 ship with a compact computer, apply the normal CF mods to a SM +6 control room.

Also, is it possible to have an engine that occupies two slots and say it's a single thing (like Spinal Battery)?
Sure, but it's probably better to say that damage reduces performance than to have the entire thing conk out when one of the systems is destroyed. Having only one system destroyed take out both sections would be a good way to represent a fragile and temperamental engine that has less HP than normal for it's weight.
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