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Old 09-24-2019, 08:04 PM   #6
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Attacking giants

Yes, exactly. Which in practice tends to mean that the most likely result of a Push is not that the pushed figure is on the ground. Even if the target is only adjDX 10, there's a 50% chance that pushing them gives them a free shift after the pusher has committed to its final position (meaning the pusher may want to be careful not to be pushing foes to Side or Rear hexes), and a 25% chance the result is the target moves one and stands up on their adjDX.

And unlike your first comment, I don't think there's any way it results in a pusher getting a +4 to do a non-trample attack on a figure they just pushed in the preceding movement phase, because the best outcome is the target falls in the hex the pusher moved into (not eligible for attacks other than trample and HTH).
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