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Old 03-26-2023, 11:31 PM   #4
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: Transhuman Space/Avatar

Originally Posted by Cyclone View Post
Iar. So let us continue with that assumption rather than abandoning it in service of functionally dismissing the scenario.
I might want to dismiss the scenario. The people of Transhuman Space's Solar System are quite busy creating their own aliens and it's not like they're going to be able to colonize Alpha C's planet.

Even some purely capitalistically motivated types can't make any money off it in a reasonable time frame.

There might be some lunatics who want to conquer the newly discovered thing in the name of their genotype. Or at least plaster their genotype al over it similar to the way dogs treat fire hydrants. Hopefully the token sane people eeping the Starstream Accelerator from being used as a weapon (and it would make a really good weapon) will prevent them from spraying gene-carrying nanites all over the place.

There's also the peculiar question of why this didn't get discovered until 2080. In our timeline we'd be discovering a planet with O2 in its' atmosphere at Alpha C approximately now. It's what the Webb was built for. In TS they'd have discovered 10 years before us.

We also know what they'd do if there was a habitable planet in range. It's called the DarkTree Colonization Fleet and little Tisbeth Sung-Morten (a Camazotz Parahuman) is headed to Darktree so she can fly.

Sorry but a lot of attempts to add something "Big!/New!/Strange!" to the setting run into this. Soembody else as already beat them to the punch. The place is a veritable explosion of looney energy.
Fred Brackin
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