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Old 09-09-2017, 06:20 AM   #4
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Default Re: What if you replaced all cones with rods?

Originally Posted by malloyd View Post
Not much here either. This basically just gives you a second chance to detect a particular photon that missed the first time (and a cost of blurring the focus of it I suppose). Doubling the light intensity is less than a +1 (about +0.43 for the log ratios).
My understanding is that the tapetum lucidum causes cats vision to permanently look like there's petroleum jelly on the camera lens, if you will. This, combined with some other factors [1] mean that cats see better than a non-sight-hunting dog [2] but they still see pretty crap by human standards and the tapetum lucidum is a significant factor.

Eyeshine is cool looking though, so if you want a character to have it and plausibly not have a permanent kinda blurry vision (which would be an interesting character flaw) you could wave your hands around with something about enhanced post-processing being done in the visual cortex.

[1] They have other focal oddities caused by the slit pupil, and of course their muzzle forms a gigantic blind spot in their FOV (they use their whiskers to compensate for that).

[2] Standard poodles are sight hunters, for example, and have better distance vision than cats, and don't have the slit pupil focal funkyness. But the long muzzle forms an even more gigantic blind spot.
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