Thread: Art for games
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Old 09-06-2006, 07:02 AM   #7
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Southfield
Default Re: Art for games

I got a chance to play Burning Wheel for the first time last night. A one shot that rocked. As usually happens, I need to put down visuals for my character and often the ones around me...and I snuck these doodles in while the spotlight wasn't on my character.

Beliefs, Instincts and Traits really make up for juicy roleplaying opportunities... hopefully, J. and Paka will share theirs for their characters... but here is mine, Orwen's:

I am known to be a Hero and Leader of Men, but the truth is I am a coward. I fear exposure of my cowardice almost as much as pain or death.

The Mercenaries are my family. Their survival is paramount, overriding contract or honor. I want us out of the siege!

Princess Loristina is the only person who has seen some worth in me. I'm besotted. And determined to see her survive the upcoming ordeal.

Always know where the exits are
When challenged, act arrogant, try to bluster through
Never see his own worth

Respectful of higher rank

And here is the pic for Orwen:

Here is Paka's Bastard Prince Lore

And J.'s "Shield of the King", Brant

These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Storn A. Cook
Visual Storytelling
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