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Old 02-28-2015, 05:30 AM   #24
Join Date: Aug 2008
Default Re: How can a TL4 person use TL12 devices

An interesting option just occurred to me: Repair nanotech with occasional glitches.

Your object (is it a sword? I don't remember if you ever said) obviously has to have self-repair capabilities if it is still intact after all this time. What if every so often it glitches and the nanites it uses to cannibalize raw material and/or repair start trying to 'fix' other things - like the wielder, the table the object sits on, that bar you were at last night when you got really drunk, the local temple where you went to pray...

You get the idea. There was a beautifully done two part Dr Who (Empty Child/ Doctor Dances) along this line that will give you all kinds of wonderfully creepy things to do to your players.

It could start so innocently too. The hand that normally wields the sword starts getting a faint silver tracery under the skin - the item is trying to repair a non existent cybernetic 'smart link' and is actually building one into the PC. Which of course gives you all sorts of weird food cravings as a start.

I could go on but I think you get the idea.
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