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Old 08-25-2012, 08:16 PM   #4
Andrew Hackard
Munchkin Line Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Default Re: Can you dis-equip items that you can't normally equip to begin with?

Originally Posted by StormCrow42 View Post
You can always carry any item with a gold piece value, except for 2 big items, 2 ships, etc.
Scott, I hope you'll forgive me picking on you a bit, because what you say is correct but potentially confusing. Your sentence starts "You can always carry any Item with a Gold Piece value" and then immediately says "Wait, that's not true, because there are these exceptions." That could confuse new players, especially new players who aren't first-language English speakers. It would be better for all posters to avoid the words "always" and "never" when you're about to provide exceptions.

"You can carry any Item* with a Gold Piece* value, whether or not you are using it, as long as you don't violate the rules on Big items, Steeds, Ships, etc." And I'm being general there because in some cases, those rules are suspended -- for instance, a Dwarf has no limit on Big items.

Rule writing is a very subtle art, and I'm still learning it -- witness the number of people posting questions about the cards and rules I've written! -- so I hope you, and the other posters here, will take this as education rather than criticism. Especially in the Munchkin 101 forum, I want us all to be as clear as possible in what we say.

* I changed the capitalization here because in Munchkin we're trying to standardize on Item, unless it immediately follows another capital word like Big, and Gold Pieces. No reason for you to know that, at least until we post a Munchkin Style Guide -- and we do have one in progress.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
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