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Old 09-22-2016, 10:55 PM   #19
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Yucca Valley, CA
Default Re: [Std Magic] How have you fixed Bless?

Thanks, Varyon.

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
How often are one of those fellows the victim of something that would burn up the Bless?
Depends on how bad the triggering event has to be. Flu season? You need a Blessing annually, because the blessing doesn't know about other healing magic you have access to. More serious disease, or a horrible accident? You need one every few years; I can think of a few times in my life, car crash or near miss, when a Bless would've been used up.

That +1 is going to let them get things done in roughly 90% of the time of their peers (by trading it in to work faster), meaning either they have a bit more leisure time or will produce roughly 10% ... more than normal.
My campaign assumptions are that there are 3k practicing wizards of each college per 10M pop. If a third of metemagic wizards are in the blessing business (journeyman level with Shortcut to Power), each has to Bless 1000 people per year, just 4 per day, to cover the entire population annually. Further assuming typical recipients split the benefit between greater productivity and more leisure, and you get 5% productivity increase, pure profit, and that's not counting the improved morale that comes from having a more pleasant life. I wonder if that's enough to put low performers out of work, with attendant social ills, or if you need mass production for that.

A sharecropper may not make enough take home pay to purchase annual blessings, but the lord on whose manor he works may make enough to justify blessing his crew. Over time, these lords would probably figure out where the sweet spot is: One blessing every other year? Every 5? My guess is every 3 years, but again, that's where something less hazy regarding terminal conditions would be helpful.

Last edited by Gef; 09-23-2016 at 12:01 AM.
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