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Old 08-23-2017, 11:19 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: England
Default [Sorcery] Help with a spell to swap locations of items


I'm trying to develop a spell for my sorcerer which swaps the locations of groups of items instantly. For example, he could cast it on himself and a guard when inflitrating a castle to swap his normal clothes for the guards uniform, or could swap an empty quiver of arrows for a full one.

I've got as far as:
Warp (Exoteleport, -50%; Exoteleport Modified Capacity (7 lbs), -15%; Range Limit: 10 yards, -50%; Link, +10%; Faster Concentration 5, +25%) + Warp (Exoteleport, -50%; Exoteleport Modified Capacity (7 lbs), -15%; Range Limit: 10 yards, -50%; Link, +10%; Faster Concentration 5, +25%)
(i.e. two identical Warp advantages tied with Link) but I'm struggling to come up with the rest.

The Anchored limitation doesn't seem appropriate, but it feels like there should be something to denote that this is swapping item locations rather than two simultaneous but otherwise unrelated teleports to different locations. Then there's the ability to do groups of related items - I don't want to have to teleport each boot off the guard separately! For that matter, does this need to be an Affliction?

Any help or advice appreciated!

Last edited by Crystalline_Entity; 08-23-2017 at 11:20 AM. Reason: Forgot to mention "instantly"
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