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Old 07-03-2018, 04:53 PM   #23
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Running and Engaging

Hi Rick,

Yes, TFT MA is way lower than what even a human can actually move in real life, let alone a lion. If you had human MA at 25 per 5 seconds (as in GURPS), then proportionally, Lion MA would be over 80.

I'm not sure if you meant to say that's a correction for 100m versus 100 1.33m hexes, but that wouldn't apply, because I just figured the proportions in comparison to athletic human MA 10.

That is, the math I did is a proportional comparison of the animal speeds in kph, to the human speeds in kph (for world record 100m sprints, high school records, average athletic times, and unathletic times). I then normalized for human MA of 10, and found that if we take MA 10 as athletic, then proportionally, MA 8 is unathletic, 12 is high school record-holders (so, like people with Running), and world record-holders come out to MA 15 (so Elf with running +1). That seemed very conveniently to be working out well, so then I just did a simple proportion comparing the animal stats in Kph to the human MA 10.

If you want to nudge them down a bit, you could adjust/research what the animal speeds really mean a bit, or compare to human MA 12 instead, which gives:

Lion 80kph = 28.89
Wolf 64kph = 23.11
Grizzly 56kph = 20.22
Brown Bear 35kph = 12.64
Tiger 65kph = 23.47

But that doesn't help a whole terrible lot. Still, no one's outrunning anything faster than brown bear.

Seems to me the real issue isn't so much the MA, but the gamable tactics that appear when MA is so high that you can easily move all the way around people's front hexes during movement. That problem is going to exist for high-MA figures (e.g. horses & their riders, fliers, people with Speed Movement, etc) unless/until there's some adjustment to make it less weird, which I expect Steve will need to see playtest evidence of...

(Kind of like someone should probably show him an example of hobgoblins pinning a 7-hex dragon and keeping it from turning around using Engagement.)
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