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Old 05-06-2014, 11:29 AM   #4
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Seattle
Default Re: [Basic] Skill of the week: Accounting

I once had a Gormelite ship captain who was embezzling funds (and reinvesting them in weapons) using the skill. He had done everything in base 8 numbers, and when he was audited, he obfuscated using this method without explaining that he had done so. That was part of many of his tactics in that instance, one of them being outright intimidation. Of course, the Accounting skill contest was a single roll, supported by a couple of other tricks.

However, there's a reason why there isn't a DF or MH template for "Accountants" -- their job is highly technical but is ultimately not the stuff of adventure fiction, nor any other kind of fiction of which I am aware. Being an accountant, on the other hand, is considered a stable, good paying job. But rarely do we want to play decent, hard working characters who live mundane lives. So the Accounting skill only gets interesting when the character is embezzling, cooking books for money laundering, or running other similar scams. At that point it becomes "exciting", but really the exciting bit is usually what goes on around the use of that one skill.

When you think about it, how often has Lockpicking been exciting? Granted, since there can be timed elements of it, it can be critical to the success or failure of an adventure. But rarely have I ever seen it be "exciting" in the way that combat or social interaction can be. Unfortunately, the same goes for pretty much all technical skills in RPGs. They can be critical, the roll itself can have dramatic tension since the survival of the PCs, the success or failure of a mission, etc., can easily hinge on that one roll, but rarely do I see great excitement surrounding the use and application of any technical skills.

Perhaps others have had different experiences?
Seven Kingdoms, MH (as yet unnamed), and my "pick-up" DF game war stories, characters, and other ruminations can be found here.
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