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Old 10-22-2018, 05:10 PM   #23
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Default Re: Autoduel the PC Game

Originally Posted by NORJustice View Post
Reverse engineering the code could be a great help for bringing out an updated version, especially if the goal is to have the original version, but just make it look better and run on current machines. Depending on how "modern" their coding techniques were, you would be able to get the entire structure of the code. Even if you have to rewrite it, you would still have a jumpstart on the different methods, functions, objects, and classes new code would require.

You would also be able to get all of the information that was used to balance the game. How much damage a MG does, how often you can fire it, etc. All of this gives a programmer a strong starting position.
Given that the machine code probably isn't obfuscated, one can dump the files from the Apple II or C64 into a Motorola 6502/65C02 decompiler and get assembly out. One would need to know the Asm addresses for the interface code hooks.
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