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Old 11-17-2016, 03:10 PM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Laser Dazzler Question

Originally Posted by vicky_molokh View Post
Talking pure hypotheticals for the purpose of demonstration.
Say you have a ½D of 75, a Max of 1,000, and a cone width of 3 at ½D. What's the cone width at Max? It's (1,000/75)×3 = 40. Do you really want to be doing something like that? It seems much more convenient to either have the cone width defined at 1 yard (thus you just multiply it by range), or at Max (in which case you multiply it by the percentage of Max, which is more intuitive).
Honestly, you don't even need to go that far. 3 yards wide at 70 yards (we'll stick with SSR because it'll make things a lot easier) means the area hit has a Range+SM penalty of -6, so that's the cap on the Range+SM penalty. If your targets fit within that area, you hit them; if they don't, you don't. Most GURPS combat is against point targets at relatively close range; if you want to hit a large group, it's worth it to do a little math to work it out.

Also, your example doesn't match the (much easier to handle) trend seen with dazzlers, where Max is always 3x 1/2D, not 13x. Multiple of 1/2D isn't much more problematic than fraction of Max, honestly. If it's all that problematic, just recalculate the cone sizes for Max to start with - 1 yd becomes 3 yd, 2 yd becomes 6 yd, 3 yd becomes 9 yd.
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