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Old 01-16-2018, 01:29 PM   #321
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Default Re: Rick's healing spells

Originally Posted by Chris Rice View Post
As far as healing is concerned I looked at things in a different way; as the rules stand, until a character is reduced to ST3 they suffer no lasting effect, therefore I considered any other sort of damage only temporary knocks, shocks or morale loss. This was recovered quickly between encounters. That's not strictly the way the rules worked but it seemed logical and allowed more extended play without everyone being wounded all the time.
This comment actually gets to the heart of the issue -- in TFT as written, what we found was that any dungeon delve became a 1 hour period of intense fighting which cleared some section of the dungeon, followed by several weeks of healing, followed by re-clearing the same section of dungeon (and maybe a bit more since the entire area wouldn't be repopulated in a few weeks, but some would), followed by several weeks of healing...a sort of "1, 2, 3, kick" sequence repeated indefinitely. Without SOME form of rapid healing, fairly plentiful in nature, the game bogged down in healing time (time which was wasted in terms of learning new skills/spells, gaining new information, or working mundane jobs, since you're not allowed to do anything else while you're healing).

So, you either went in with dozens of "cannon-fodder" types to absorb the losses while your "heroes" lurked in the back in relative safety (not very heroic, eh?), or you went through the short fight, long convalescence paradigm, all of which destroyed the "ambiance" of the dungeon crawl theme. The general solution was easy and quick healing -- but that sort of ruins part of the theme of TFT! Catch-22 is alive and well!
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