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Old 12-10-2005, 01:00 PM   #9
Dog of Lysdexics
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Default Re: Why isn't GURPS as popular as the D20 system and games

Originally Posted by This Name is Taken
That's rather like curing the problem with the symptoms though.

See, saying D&D is more popular because it's well, more popular, simply states that it is...ummmm...more popular...

It's like if the Surgeon General said "Why are people eating so much McDonalds these days?" and the team of researchers he asked came back with "Cause lots of people eat them, see?"

The question is WHY had D&D reached such a massive scale and WHY do other systems not seem to really challenge it's dominance?
no the Question is why d20, which the current eddtion of D&D uses is popular. not why D&D is popular

It is valid to to say d20 is popular becuase D&D uses, and not sucurla , becauyse D&D popularity is based on d20 at all. [it popular was build long before the d20 system existed]
Rogue the Bronze Firelizard
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