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Old 12-02-2005, 03:20 PM   #2
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Tampa, Florida
Default Re: Why isn't GURPS as popular as the D20 system and games

GURPS isn't too popular with my friends because they just think of role playing in a different manner. They tend to prefer the high fantasy "cool" stuff, and the system itself favors a grittier style of play. Character creation is fairly detailed and requires a decent amount more thought than the d20, "I'm a mage" style of character creation. Thus D20 allows to pick a role and have a character they don't need to put much thought into and the system isn't too complex (for them, anyway). Which I should note is a valid style of play. Characters can develop a much better sense of personality and history through play than if it was all pre-written.

My primary complaint against GURPS is the probability curve. My secondary one is the stat/skill relationship. Unless every stressful (ie, adventuring) action is at a -4 penalty or so, half of the probability curve goes unused, which in turn encourages players from spend points on other skills until they hit that "probability ceiling", after which they move on to yet another skill...
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