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Old 10-30-2013, 05:45 AM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2011
Default Re: Questions about Worm Parahumans' Powers in GURPS

Originally Posted by Nereidalbel View Post
Ballistic sounds like Telekinesis with Push Only and either Melee C or Touch Only.
That's a thing?

Coil is Duplication 1 with a Mind Link with some Cosmic on it. And World Jumper to, you know, go to another reality.
I suppose you could say that.
The big question is how to do it in an actual game. Is it even possible to do that?

Glory Girl has Ablative DR, Regeneration (Extreme): DR Only, and Bane: 0 DR. It'll take a LOT of poking to break that shield, but 1-shotting it is bad news for her!
That...doesn't sound quite right. It sounds like a single powerful enough shot would knock out the force field for maybe a second before it came back at full strength, and (I'm guessing, since I don't know what Bane does) makes Glory Girl weak/very harmed by attacks when her force field is down. That doesn't sound much like what happened in the story.

Grue uses Obscure (Vision) and Neutralize: Power Theft.
1. Obscure...don't remember that advantage.
2. Power theft?

Panacea is a *lot* of body control, on top of the Healing. Probably some Afflictions in there, too.

Skitter is probably Control Bugs.

Tinkers are Backlash effects.
I'm learning about a lot of advantages I never knew existed!
(And I think you meant Thinkers for that second one.)


Originally Posted by the_matrix_walker View Post
Scion and the Endbringers: If they are not player characters...
Hm. An Enbringers campaign...yeah, probably wouldn't work well in the end.

Tinkers: Overuse of powers causing pain... This is good fodder for a new limitation, Probably an adaption of Backlash... I'll give this some thought and get back to you.
Noted. Again, pretty sure you meant Thinkers.


Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
Afflict: Super Jump (x12). This is the "involuntary" Affliction that makes the ability affect the target once, like an offensive Warp. Since it's a ont-shot, the target won't have Jumping when they land to absorb the impact. 12 levels gives a multiplier of 4096, times an assumed broad jump distance of 2 yards (7 feet for Move 5 per B352), so speed is 8192 / 5 = 1638 yards/sec, a bit higher than most high-performance rifle bullets. Or if you make the target jump straight up, it rises 2275 yards (per the Jumping rules) for a falling velocity of 220 yds/sec or 22D crush for the average human (HP 10).
Um...yeah, about solutions like these...Ballistic only used his power on a human once that we see. 99.9% of the time, he's firing trash, ball bearings, automobiles, or something like that.
Inanimate objects can't jump.

Jumper. I suppose the intent is to take back bad choices by moving to the other world? (Not that all choices are always nice binary ones.) Basically a save-game-and-reload ability.

Or ability to ability. "Not on living organisms" is a pretty big limitation for Mind Control. (Who'd even take it?) It's a moderate limitation on TK. (No remote Grappling to render people helpless, but you can still wail on them in other ways, and have full use on all those inanimate objects. Probably need some examples. I assume the player gets to choose which form? In which case it's actually the middling ones that are hardest.
Yeah, which side depends a lot on the ability. Obviously, someone like Skitter or Panacea is going to be on the only-affects-living-organisms half, while someone like...people I haven't mentioned, such as Faultline and Parian are on the only-affects-nonliving-stuff side.

Alright, I will add the best answers to the OP. Possibly along with some other parahumans that I forgot last night.
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