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Old 03-25-2020, 01:41 PM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Crack the whip rules.

I generally don't find 'white room' arguments compelling; it is just too easy to pitch them in such a way that important assumptions get skipped over quickly or go unstated. In the case of the 2 on 1 fight (something I'd say could be easy to win in lots of different strategies, but that's a different question...), the key point is that you assume the chump in the story ends up in exactly the wrong place: in reach of the whip, in charging distance of the pike axe but not engaged with either and not placed in such a way that one blocks the other's line of attack. That's just such a set up job that its hard to interpret it as a statement on the relative values of various 'builds'.

I'm a lot more convinced by real experiences involving play between combatants who are both trying to win.
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