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Old 10-27-2010, 09:55 PM   #10
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Default Re: Would a 9 lb sapient spider producing 1/10 lb of silk a day suspend your disbelie

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
That is probably the maximum weight for a coconut crab. If it's your spider's mean weight they are definitely at the limits under Earthlike conditions.

9lbs may be too small for sapience but that's pretty fuzzy. How much of that body mass is brain though?
Actually 9lbs is more the typical weight... they get up to about 38lbs at their largest.

However... they grow throughout their entire lives (I think about 60 years), so if the spider in question does the same, they might not reach "sentience" until well being past "middle-aged".

Originally Posted by Ze'Manel Cunha View Post
Spider silk is very, very light, that is what makes it so valuable.

According to the following article, they used over a million golden orb spider milkings to make a 2.6 pound garment.

They cite 14,000 spiders to make 1 ounce of silk, or about 0.00007 oz per spider per day.

These golden orb spiders weigh maybe around 0.035 ounces, or about .002 of silk per ounce of spider.

You're scaling them up about 4,000 times to get to 9 lbs, so you should be ok with about an 8 oz max in a day for a 9 lbs spider.

Mind you, if you do milk the spider for all the silk it's worth you may need to give it time to replenish itself before milking it completely again.
Forgive me, but using those numbers I get something more akin to 1/50th a pound, or about 0.3 ounces.
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