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Old 02-09-2018, 12:06 PM   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default Re: [Basic] Disadvantage of the Week: Clueless

I've taken this on a few 'ivory tower intellectual' type characters before, like Wizards or scientist/engineers.

Personally, I have some very mild form of this. I never notice when someone is coming on to me unless they are extremely-the-top unsubtle about it* and I often miss some levels of humour or subtle conversation that involves me... at the time.

I figure it out later. Like hours, sometimes days later, but never in 'real time'.

I have zero problems understanding colloquial expressions, nor do I have OPHs on the level of 'leaves turn signal on'†. Also I can spot when someone is subtly flirting with others and easily engage in sophisticated conversation when I'm not the subject (even when I am the subject, but I've initiated the conversation or have some measure of knowledge that it is about me).

It's like I'm so anti-narcissistic that I can't believe it's about me, it must be about someone else.

* And I'm not really any more capable of resisting said unsubtle seductions. I'm just unlikely to notice the subtle ones.

† I do have some mild OCD habits and I don't much care what others think about them, but it's not 'oblivious to how others perceive them', but more 'your opinion isn't relevant to my interests' level. These are more Quirks than 'true' OCD though. It's habits like 'always puts things back where they belong', 'get's annoyed when things aren't returned to their proper storage places', 'hates leaving a mess for others clean up', etc.
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