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Old 10-28-2010, 11:30 AM   #33
Ze'Manel Cunha
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Default Re: Would a 9 lb sapient spider producing 1/10 lb of silk a day suspend your disbelie

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk View Post
Oh, and thanks Ze for the brain-eating egg-laying head-spiders. I'm sure I'll sleep like a babe tonight.
Sure thing, after all, ears do make nice pre-made burrowed layers, going pass the drum membrane there's a readied egg laying space in the inner year and then it's simply a matter of the digesting of the auditory nerve while inching into the brain.

I suppose the first symptom of being a host to a batch of new spiders would then be slight hearing loss for a couple of weeks while the egg sack matures in the inner ear, call it Hearing -1.

A couple of weeks later as the eggs hatch and start eating their way up the auditory canal the Hearing loss becomes more significant, -4 on that side, -2 overall.

A couple of days after the tiny spiders get to the brain and start digesting it, we can start adding several days of mental disadvantages and such before the spiders do enough damage to cause the death of their host.

They then will continue to eat the host's brain for several more days post-morten, depending then on whether or not the spiders cannabilize each other or not, we then have either a few, or several hundred, ounce sized spiders eat their way out through their host's eyes...
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