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Old 08-10-2022, 03:17 PM   #59
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Costs in GURPS dollars

Originally Posted by KarlKost View Post
A group of TL1 semi nomads may all have "Poor" or "Dead Broke" as their particular "average", due to how poor their civilization is. That doesnt mean their sheets have their "average" starting wealth being 0, it rather means that everybody in this tribe have "Dead Broke" in their sheets, as they are constantly starving.
Originally Posted by maximara View Post
But average GURPS wealth is set by the setting TL not by local conditions. If the tribe as a whole is "Dead Broke" than that would be part of the tribe template. Sort of like a Barbarian in D&D style game would have Low TL or a Azerothian Dwarf having High TL though determining the average for the TL hodgepodge Azeroth is would be a pain.
I don't see any incompatibility between these statements. Each character in that tribe who is at the typical tribal Wealth of Dead Broke has Dead Broke on their character sheet - this may be part of the template for being part of that tribe, but in that case it would still be worth [-25] and would still show up on the character sheet. The only difference that would be in play for being part of a template is that it may not count against the Disadvantage Limit, if the GM is using one (canonically, a racial template or similar is treated as a single trait; if the net value is positive, any Disadvantages included don't count against the limit; if the net value is negative, only the overall value of the racial template is counted against the limit).

I would add a clarification to maximara's statement, however - what you get out of Average Wealth is typically set by the TL, but there's nothing preventing a GM (or setting-designer) from changing this. As an example, DF is functionally around TL 4 (most TL 4 gear is present at normal prices, not at the doubled cost one would expect for being a TL early), yet someone with Average Wealth only has $1000 (rather than the $2000 that is the default for TL 4), and the other Wealth levels are relative to this.
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