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Old 02-28-2017, 05:42 AM   #44
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Default Alabama Flavour for Chase Taylor

Originally Posted by Rathbone View Post
Spurlin, Dyess, Foley, Cowen, King, Scarborough, Thomas, Marsh, Moody, Ennis, Morrow,
I like King, Marsh, Moody* and Morrow. Spurlin is too much (it even looks like it's missing a 'g' from the end) and the rest I mostly find too normal. I'll rule out King on the basis we've got an NPC with that name.**

I might like Dyess, Cowen and Scarborough if I could figure out how to pronounce them properly. Dyess I can imagine several ways to pronounce and I can't imagine which one is right, whereas I can pronounce Cowen and Scarborough, but immediately start bleeding into an entirely different and far too British (Irish and Oop North, respectively) accent if I do.

Hmmm... looking over the names in cemetaries in Crenshaw County, I can spot a few I like.

Out of the following, which ought I go for as mother Betty May's maiden name?

Chancellor, Chapman, Everett, Harville, Holladay, Laird, MacGhee, Moody, Morrow or Shreve?

*Had no idea that was a Southern name. Californication's Hank Moody is pretty big city East Coast, as you'd expect from David Duchovny.
**Though Taylor might have cousins by that name and ask Dr. Emma King where her folks is from an' if they might happen to be kin. Which is unlikely, considering her lovely chocolate complexion and Taylor's blinding white skin (he used to have a deep tan, but more than five years in prison won't do your complexion any favours).

Originally Posted by Rathbone View Post
Probably but I would not expect to hear it very much. I really don’t remember hearing very much ‘substitute’ cursing. And what I did hear or rarely use would be considered mild today. -- Maybe ‘drat’, ‘cr*p’
I've been doing a little Googling. Of course, 'Southern' colloqualisms that someone considers worth preserving may not be in current use and/or may not be used anywhere near Luverne, Alabama. Can you tell me if any of the following are appropriate or if they would be wildly off-putting and unsuitable for Chase Taylor to use?

Crud muffin
For crying out loud!
Goodness gracious!**
Gracious me!**
Horse feathers
Lord 'ave mercy!***
Kiss my grits
Mother of pearl!
Son of a biscuit

*I doubt any real person has used these for a good century or so without irony.
**Awright, I'll admit that I personally cannot imagine a man saying that, ever. It sounds awfully like something a woman would only say as part of a stilted, put-on, affected Southern Belle performance (which I'd still probably find adorable, mind you).
***Sounds like something only racist caricatures say, though that may just be because the only times I recall hearing it, the speaker also sounded like Mammy... or worse, Prissy.
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