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Old 09-03-2020, 08:28 AM   #3
Mister Ed
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon
Default Re: best starter expansion set

I'm assuming that what you have is the original Munchkin (both because you didn't specify otherwise, and because, in most cases, if you had an different version it would be a much simpler choice as far as expanding it goes, due to a smaller selection of expansions).

If that's the case, then if you just want more of the same, I'd probably go in numerical order with the expansions. However, if you want to change the game up somewhat, there are some options that add new aspects to the base game.

Munchkin 6 and 6.5 are expansions that add Dungeons to the game, oversized cards that represent a special location that all players are in, and have a global effect on everybody.

Or if the idea of adding a Holiday (mainly Christmas) flavor appeals, there are tons of Christmas-themed expansions, and even a base set with that flavor (though those are probably easier to come by when SJGames brings them out of the vault for the holiday season). There are also small expansions for Halloween, Easter, and Valentine's Day, though they may be hard to come by.

Another option (though I confess I've no idea of current availability) is the Game Changers set, which collects a number of small expansions that change the game (hence the name) in various ways, like Fairy Dust (which rewards people for helping others) and Munchkinomicon (which rewards people for being mean), as well as Monster Enhancers (obvious), and Reloaded! (which I THINK is the one that has class and race enhancers in it).

(Personally, my first expansion was Munchkin 4, just because I liked the idea of Steeds, but they honestly don't change the game that much. But my experience does suggest to me that going "out-of order" doesn't really hurt.)
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