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Old 02-08-2016, 11:16 AM   #38
Join Date: Oct 2005
Default Re: Soft announcement: new Ogre set!

Originally Posted by Steve Jackson View Post
This new set is for all those people who would have bought the ODE if they’d found out in time, and all the people who have learned to play from their friends with the ODE and want their own copy, and all the kids who don’t play wargames yet, but when they’re a bit older, YOU will teach them.
As you’ll see, this was created by cutting down the ODE rules, so there may still be some orphan mentions of (for instance) overrun attacks.
This might not be quite the feedback you're after, but - Why not just include the ODE Rulebook?

First off, the overrun rules are really amazingly good; they go hand-in-hand with stacking and spillover, a solid triad.

Second, for $50 send them a few extra sheets of paper with the full rules.

Third, if this version is for people who want Ogre, but missed the kickstarter, then it is for some of the people who are going to buy Assault Packs, expansions, and extra maps. Without a full set of rules SJGames gets into this weird area of "If you have Ogre - Merely Huge Edition - then you need some extra rules along with the other boxes. (No good way around this for the maps. Also, one of the Assault Packs uses the tan map but full rules.)

Forth, it saves production effort that could be used for something else (although you've started down the path already).

I bought two ODEs, pulled one apart into "just Ogre" and have it in a lap top box ready to carry. I'm really glad to see Ogre as a possible product in its own box. I think it makes a lot of sense.

Last edited by dwalend; 02-09-2016 at 08:50 PM.
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