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Old 08-15-2022, 02:26 PM   #12
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Default Re: Should Waiting permanently change your place in the turn sequence?

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
The problem with having Wait move the turn order, aside from potential complications, is that, without an exploit like the above, Wait is a very-rarely-used option - it's sufficiently limited that it's only useful in rare situations. Making Wait a worse option by having it shift your position in turn order for the rest of the fight is going to make it used even less frequently. Changing Wait so it doesn't have a trigger, but is instead something like "once you declare a Wait, you may interrupt anybody's turn to take your own," would make it much more useful, and would make it changing your place in the turn order more palatable - a fair trade, rather than making a typically-bad option even worse. Being able to react that effectively isn't terribly realistic, of course, but should work fine for typical GURPS levels of realism.
One idea that I had was to require the player to specify a trigger, but to allow them to cancel the Wait at will and reclaim their turn without interrupting the current one. This removes the risk of losing your turn, but doesn't grant the ability jump to interrupt an event without predicting it. Under such a variant, a Wait would basically entail stepping out of the turn sequence altogether until your condition is met (and you interrupt with your action and step back into the turn sequence before the current turn) or you change your mind (and you step back into the turn sequence after the current turn). In the case of cascading waits, all involved in the cascade return to the turn sequence immediately before the turn that started the cascade, in descending order of the margin of their roll in the QC. Anyone who cancels their Wait during the cascade gets their turn back after the whole thing.
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