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Old 12-25-2008, 03:11 AM   #29
Pyramid Contributor
Mad Spaniard Rules Lawyer
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Default Re: Translation problems in new GURPS Lite Spanish

A new batch of corrections!
  • p23, under "Arma", "caliber" -> "calibre" [Misspelling]
  • p23, under "Daño", daño básico frontal (frt) o lateral (ltl) -> ??? (We need better translations for Swing and Thrust. 3rd ed used Thrust->"Acometida", that was mostly ok, and Swing->"Mandoble", that was not, as it means two handed sword) [Misstranslation]
  • p23, under "Daño", "Tabla de Basic Damno" [Interlingua]
  • p23, under "Tipo de Daño", the translator used Impalling->"Penetrante", and Piercing->"Punzante". Better translations would have been Impalling->"Punzante" and Piercing->"Perforante". 3rd ed used Impalling->"Empalante", but "Empalante" is closely tied to the actual impalling, while "Punzante" is the term used for things that can poke holes into something [Style]
  • p23, under "Alcance", "armas de fuerza manual" -> "armas basadas en la fuerza del que las blande" (Longer, but armas de fuerza manual sounds completely stupid) [Style]
  • p23, under "Armas", "IdF (Indice de Fuego)" -> "CdT (Candencia de Tiro) (Indice de fuego is what you whould get if you used babelfish to translate... [Mistranslation]
  • p23, under "Disparos", "dispón" -> "prepara" (Ready should be "Preparar", "Disponer" can have a similar meaning, but it's mostly used as as "Arrange") [Style]
  • p23, under "Disparos", "Disponer" -> "Preparar" [Style]
  • p24, under "Ballestas y FZ", "Ballestasde" -> "ballestas de" [Misspelling]
  • p24, under "Armas Cuerpo a Cuerpo", "frontal o lateralmente." -> ??? (Another Thrust/Swing issue) [Misstrasnlation]
  • p24, under "Notas", "Armas de Fuerza Manual a Distancia" -> "Armas a Distancia basadas en la fuerza del que las blande" (First at all, there's the whole "Fuerza Manual", that isn't a good translation for muscle powered, and then we have the problem that the words are in the wrong order) [Misstranslation]
  • p24, in the weapon table, "Espadon Frontal" -> "Espadon de punta afilada" [Mistranslation]
  • p25, under "Armas", "Armas de Fuerza Manual a Distancia" -> "Armas a Distancia basadas en la fuerza del que las blande" [Misstranslation]
  • p25, under "Armas de Fuerza Manual a Distancia", "armas de fuerza manual a distancia" -> "armas a distancia basadas en la fuerza del que las blande" [Misstranslation]
  • p25, the table heading, "Tabla de Armas de Fuerza Manual a Distancia" -> "Tabla de Armas a Distancia basadas en la fuerza del que las blande" [Misstranslation]
  • p25, in the weapon table, "Short Bow" -> "Arco Corto" [Leftover word]
  • p25, in the weapon table, "ARMA ARROJADIZA (HACHA/MAZA) (DS-4)", "ARMA ARROJADIZA (CUCHILLO) (DS-4)" and "ARMA ARROJADIZA (LANZA) (DS-4)" don't use the proper letter style [Layout]
  • p25, in the weapon table, "Cuchillo Grandefr" -> "Cuchillo Grande" (the fr corresponds to what is in the next column) [Misspelling]
  • p25, under "Notas", "maniobras Disponer de un segundo." -> "maniobras de Preparar de un segundo." [Style/Grammar]
  • p25, under "Armas de Fuego", "Pistol Table" -> "Tabla de Pistolas" [Leftover word]
  • p25, under "Armas de Fuego", "Rifle and Shotgun Table" -> "Tabla de Rifles y Escopetas" [Leftover word]
  • p25, in the ranged weapon table, "Rifle Francotirador" -> "Rifle de Francotirador" [Missing word]
  • p26, "Incombramento e Movimento" textbox [Interlingua]
  • p26, under "Logros Físicos", "Básico de Levantamiento" -> "Levantamiento Basico" [Mistranslation]
  • p26, under "Escalar", "saque" -> "saques" [Grammar]
  • p26, the climbing table is in Interlingua [Interlingua]
  • p26, under "Caminando", "Incombramento e Movimiento" [Interlingua]
  • p26, under "Caminando", "Lesiones General" -> "Lesiones Generales" [Grammar]
  • p26, under "Caminando", "habilidad Caminar" -> "habilidad Marcha" [Style]
  • p26, under "Caminando", "denso,<line break>selva," -> The line break should not be here [Layout]
  • p27, "Regular Questiones Del Regulas" textbox [Interlingua]
  • p27, under "Saltar", "saltar sobre algo más pequeño que tú," -> "saltar sobre algo más mucho pequeño que tú," [Missing word]
  • p27, under "Saltar", "El máximo a saltar corriendo es dos veces el máximo sin correr." -> "La altura maxima de salto con carrerilla es dos veces la altura de salto sin correr" [Sentence]
  • p27, under "Saltar", "La máxima distancia corriendo es dos veces el máximo sin correr." -> "La maxima longitud del salto con carrerilla es dos veces la longitud de salto sin correr" [Sentence]
  • p27, under "Correr", "Incombramento e Movimiento" [Interlingua]
  • p27, under "Correr", "al ritmo marcado corriendo" -> "corriendo marcando el ritmo" [Sentence]
  • p27, under "Lanzar", "maniobras de Disponer" -> "Maniobras de Preparar" [Style]
Antoni Ten
My GURPs character sheet
My stuff on e23

Last edited by Kuroshima; 12-25-2008 at 05:03 AM.
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