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Old 01-14-2018, 04:10 PM   #9
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Default Re: But is it really the sudden stop?

It's certainly a popular trick in fiction. You very often see telekinetic used like this, less often also magic. And in those situations, it always result in "no harm done at all".

In fact I would probably assume this to be the default in a supers game. Ie. if someone falls, if I have enough TK to levitate them, I could catch them with no harm. The problem would be noticing and reacting quick enough. And having the TK-lifting power to do so. Maybe set up some inverse calculating for how fast you can slow someone down if you only have enough TK to carry them at Extra-Heavy encumbrance. So if you are at Extra-Heavy you slow them down only 20% per sec (so taking 5 sec total). While at "No enc" you can do it instantly. ... just a very rough guide.
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