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Old 09-14-2017, 02:34 PM   #2
Kelly Pedersen
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Location: Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Default Re: How to photosynthesise (Knights of Sidonia)

How restrictive, exactly, is the photosynthesis period? Do they have just lie out in the sun? Have to get naked? Does the intensity of the sunlight matter? Do they actually have to put down something like roots, that would be even more restrictive than simply staying still? Most of these could be represented by Temporary Disadvantage or Nuisance Effect limitations on Doesn't Eat or Drink (and a specifically plant-based photosynthesis ability probably limits Doesn't Eat or Drink with "Needs to Drink", probably a -30% limitation).

For Temporary Disadvantage limitations, I'd say that Doesn't Eat or Drink is only being "used" at the times you'd normally need to be eating. So an otherwise-normal human who photosynthesizes that involves putting down roots, leaving them temporarily immobile, would have 3 1/2-hour periods they'd have to do so per day, during which the Temporary Disadvantage (No Legs: Sessile) would have its effects.
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