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Old 11-28-2017, 01:25 PM   #45
Join Date: Feb 2016
Default Re: Lets Make A Twisted Small Town

Elizabeth Wilder is the captain of the cheerleading squad at Serenity Falls Senior High School. With raven hair, gray eyes, and dark skin, everyone thinks that she is adopted because she does not resemble the rest of her family but her features comes from her father, who is Souix and Finnish, and her mother, who is Lenape and Norwegian. She is surprisingly kind for a cheerleader and a senior and she is popular because she is compassionate and kind to everyone.

Secret: Elizabeth suffers from a controllable form of psychosis, but the drugs that she takes to control her insanity supresses her natural genius. When she stops taking her drugs, her IQ increases from 12 to 16, and she gains High Pain Threshold and Berserk (12), Impulsiveness (12), and Xenophilia (12).

Dark Secret: During her freshman year, Elizabeth went off her medications and ended up pregnant with twins. Her parents adopted the twin girls as their own and moved the family from NYC to Serenity Falls to allow Elizabeth a new start. Unknown to her parents but known to Elizabeth, the twin girls are the basted children of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, who encountered Elizabeth at a diplomatic party that she had crashed during her psychotic period. For one week, she entertained the Crown Prince before he left NYC.

Last edited by AlexanderHowl; 11-28-2017 at 04:07 PM.
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