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Old 06-11-2010, 08:37 AM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: I don't want to make FATAL 2nd Edition

Welcome. I'm sure you'll get lots of comments -- once the thread gets to the point that there's something to discuss. You ask for help, but what problems in particular are you struggling with?

Personally, I see no difference between addition and subtraction in terms of speed of play.

Play gets slowed down by the very existence of modifiers, especially when there's lots of them scattered through books that people have to look up. The common answers seem to be (a) learn the system so you don't waste time looking things up; (b) estimate modifiers freely on the spot, which might result in inconsistency from fight to fight, but keeps things moving; (c) have a simple, rules-light system that doesn't have many (or any) modifiers in the first place, which won't model detailed reality particularly well.

(a) as well as (b) are helped by good organization of the rules -- put modifiers for similar situations all together in tables where you can find them easily, and have a good index.

FATAL is infamous as much for its subject matter and writing as the rules themselves.
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