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Old 10-16-2019, 05:37 AM   #27
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Default Re: Trying to make consistent sense of what damage and healing represent

Replace Physicker healing with the following:

Any figure may attempt to bandage up any other figure's wounds on a five minute attempt. First roll 4/IQ (minus one die for each of Physicker, Master Physicker, or Vet that applies) to know what you are doing. On a critical failure inflict one (or on a break weapon result two) hits and stop.

If this roll succeeds then roll 5/DX to attempt to fix the problems you have identified. Subtract one die for each of Physicker, Master Physicker, or Vet that applies, and subtract another die for having a Physicker kit. The degree of success is the number of hits on the target that are converted into fatigue. On a critical failure inflict one (or on a break weapon result two) hits and stop. On a "double effect" roll halve the fatigue inflicted. On a "triple effect" roll no fatigue is inflicted.

An undisturbed bandaged up figure with negative adjST purely due to fatigue rests for one fatigue per hour until they reach zero adjST.

Healing past this new baseline may be attempted once per day, but heals at most one hit per day. (Two for a double effect result and three for triple.)
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