Thread: Cyclops' Power
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Old 10-11-2014, 10:02 PM   #1
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Default Cyclops' Power

I'll make this brief: in the X-Men, Cyclops has this problem where, whenever his eyes are open, death laser beams stream out of them. I want to make a character with an attack similar to that. There is an Innate Attack, but how do you represent the drawback? It's not quite Blindness (I can open my eyes at any time), it's not quite Always On (I can also close my eyes at any time). It's almost like Uncontrollable, but what would Uncontrollable be worth if, instead of being Uncontrollable sometimes, it were Uncontrollable always? It's almost like being Linked, but it's Linked to having my eyes open.

Yes, Cyclops has superfancy red stuff he can look through that lets him see without lasering everything. I want to play someone less fortunate, someone who can only open their eyes as a last resort.
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