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Old 10-28-2017, 08:48 PM   #104
Join Date: Oct 2005
Default Re: Official Rules Update and FAQ (Draft versions 1.01 - June 21)

Originally Posted by GranitePenguin View Post
I don't think 8.05.2 is correct regarding Ogres not taking damage to treads. What is the justification for this being the case? Why wouldn't the ram be "normal effects" like everything else? For example, if a HVY rams an Ogre, it loses 2 treads, why would an Ogre ramming a HVY during an overrun not also lose 2 treads?
Ramming is a simplification of an overrun. In an overrun the defending units get to fire first. Defending ogres get to ram. Then the attacker fires. Last attacking ogres get to ram.

The tan-map Ogre ramming rules reflect the outcome of green-map GEV overrun rules very well for GEVs, MSLs, HVYs, and SHVYs. Using green-map rules the ogre would overrun the hex. (No stacking so) the lone armor unit gets one shot at 1:1 - a one-in-three chance of damaging treads. The overrun ends very soon after when that armor unit is either vaporized by every gun on the ogre, or rammed, for no additional damage to the ogre.

The tan map rules assume the defenders would shoot treads, and round (usually up) to the average result. The simpler rules produce nearly identical results (for armor. HWZ are short-changed, INF are merely reduced, but don't do any damage at all.)

I like to introduce the overrun rules before spill-over and terrain as a first step from tan- to green-map rules. It's more fun to roll a die than to just check off a box or three.

I don't see any valid reason why an Ogre should be able to ram with impunity during an overrun; it's still physically attacking the unit and should take tread damage as normal.
(Defending ogres do get to ram with impunity. Better bring an extra tank. Or stay at range. Overrunning an ogre is dangerous.)

Attacking ogres don't get to ram defending units with impunity. All the defenders get to shoot first. That "ram" damage in section 6 is just the lone defender's parting shot.
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