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Old 02-11-2019, 11:26 PM   #3
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Default Re: Pterosaur Size, Weight, ST and Maximum Encumbrance when Flying

Originally Posted by lwcamp View Post
Using the usual guidelines of 2*(weight in lbs)^(1/3), this gives a ST of 16. I often give particularly strong animals a multiplier of anywhere up to 1.3 for the species template, so up to 21 might be justifiable. However, given that the wings were big and powerful and attached to huge chest muscles but the rest of the body was pretty scrawny (except for that giant head), I'd be more inclined to give them ST 16, Arm ST 5, or even Arm ST 6 or 7. Lets say total ST of arms + body is 22. Since they mostly walk on their arms, and use their arms for flight, you could argue that this Arm ST counts for encumbrance (or just give them Lifting ST equal to Arm ST, if you are really going all accountant on points). So, a basic lift of around 100 lbs. At medium encumbrance they could carry 300 lbs; 200 lbs for light encumbrance.
Cool, thanks a lot.

Originally Posted by lwcamp View Post
Gliding and powered flight would probably go by this level of encumbrance; take-off also does by the rules, but reality wise I'm not as sure. But since we are talking magic interdimensional dinosaur-riding Antarctic space Nazis, I'd say err on the side of cool. Maybe throw a bone to reality by saying that they only choose Nazis with smaller frames and light builds to be Azhdarchid riders (Azhdarchids being the taxonomic group of pterosaurs that includes Quetzalcoatlus, Hatzegopteryx, Arambourgiania - all giants of roughly similar size).
Now, now, just Grade-A, pure, finest reality.

Then the beasties can have +20% to ST in Low Mana and +40% in Normal Mana. That means if they can fly under their own power at No Mana, they've got power to spare in any higher mana areas. So Nazis won't ride dinosaurs on any world with realistic physics... but it's not like the World Tree confines them to only worlds with the same physics as ours.

Originally Posted by lwcamp View Post
Oh, and technically pterosaurs are not dinosaurs. Although if a magic space Nazi is riding one I'm not going to get all pedantic about it.

When I tell people that "Nazis will once again ride on archosaurs!" people just give me strange looks. Uh, they actually do that even when I tell them that the Nazis will ride dinosaurs, but at least then they're looks of pity, not puzzlement.

It's a quote from the TV show Drawn Together (Foxxy vs. The Board Of Education):

Clara: "What is this unholy abomination?"
Wooldoor: "Hi Clara, you're just in time to witness a fake gay marriage for the health insurance."
Clara: "What? If gays get married, the institution of marriage will be destroyed! Societies will crumble! Rivers will run with blood! Nazis will once again ride on dinosaurs!"
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