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Old 11-01-2017, 02:45 PM   #18
Kelly Pedersen
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Location: Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Default Re: "Inflicting" Serendipity

Originally Posted by JanMikal View Post
It says:

"Advantages that can be switched on
and off (such as Insubstantiality) are
automatically “on” for one minute per
point by which the victim fails his HT
roll, and are not under the subject’s
The full quote is "Advantages with instantaneous effects affect the target once, as soon as he is hit, if he fails his HT roll; ... Advantages that can be switched on and off... are automatically “on” for one minute per point by which the victim fails his HT roll..."

Serendipity isn't a switchable ability, it's one that has an "instantaneous" effect - you get one burst of good luck, then it's done. This is the default. It has been clarified that you can use Affliction to give people advantages under their control, but in that case, they have to pay all costs associated with the ability, and are limited by it normally. In this case, you're effectively giving someone the ability to use Serendipity constantly, rather than a one-off use of it, but that means it's subject to the usual limitations of Serendipity - they can only benefit from it once per session per level. That's why my build suggested limiting it so it was under the GM's control - normally, the player with Serendipity can request a lucky break when they need it, whereas this version is much more chancy.
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