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Old 11-27-2011, 08:01 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: Buying an Attribute "Not for Skills"

On a slight tangent, it seems unlikely that one PC would buy "Not For Skills" while another does not. That's more the sort of thing you'd impose campaign wide -- a Stat Normalization houserule. In that case, everyone has the disad, so it doesn't matter how many points it costs.

If the goal is to create a PC that has some sort of agility that somehow doesn't benefit skills (and I'm finding that a bit difficult to picture), then it might help to rephrase it. Rather than asking "how do I get DX without improving skills", ask "what is this character good at", and then buy the appropriate Advantages or skills - Acrobatics, Catfall, whatever.

Or is it a theoretical exercise in game system reductionism?
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