Thread: Who's next?
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Old 12-31-2009, 10:45 AM   #86
Rocket Man
Petitioner: Word of IN Filk
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Longmont, CO
Default Re: Who's next?

Originally Posted by Attercap View Post
Major Superiors are those featured in the core rules, any other superiors are considered "minor". Minor superiors have less political power or don't move in quite as many circles and may not have as many servitors as the major superiors. Before the Great Depression, Mammon was a Major Superior, but acts against him forced him into the minor leagues.
Correct. As for "in-world" reasons for the others being minor:

* Fleurity is minor because he's only been Prince for 20 years or so. He laid a lot of groundwork as the Demon of Drugs, but he hasn't had time to build a huge organization or claim extensive Tethers. (Christopher is minor for much the same reason; his Archangelic status is only about 30 years old.)

*Litheroy is minor because he lacks political heft. Much of Heaven is reluctant to work with him because he insists on revealing everything and putting all plans in the open.

* Alaemon is minor for a parallel reason to Litheroy -- by nature of his Word, the Prince of Secrets is reluctant to directly work with anyone, and thus lacks the influence he might otherwise have. (It doesn't help that some of the older Princes preferred Gennubath, the original Secrets lord.)

* Zadkiel, though an older Archangel in human terms, is minor because she spreads herself thin. Her people try to be everywhere, helping everyone, with the result that her organization isn't as concentrated as it might be.
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