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Old 09-01-2017, 08:47 PM   #5
Michael Thayne
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Join Date: May 2010
Default Re: [Powers] The Power of... Gadgeteering?

Originally Posted by Ghostdancer View Post
I don't really have anything to add here except I like this idea and I'm curious where you will go with it. :-)
Thank you! That feels like a strong signal I'm on the right track with this. Here's a few more:

184 points

With 2d-1 × 10 minutes of work and an Engineer (Battlesuits) roll, you can add servos to a suit of armor to turn it into a battlesuit. This gives the wearer +10 to Lifting and Striking ST, Super Jump 1, and also makes the suit's weight not count towards encumbrance. The suit's abilities operate for 1 minute per margin of success. You can extend the duration by working longer and making multiple rolls, as with other equipment modifications.

Statistics: Afflictions 1 (Advantages, External ST +8, Lighten Armor (Weightless), and Super Jump 1, +1,760%; Based on Own IQ Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Duration is cumulative, +100%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; No Signature, +20%; Accessibility, Only on a full suit of armor, -40%; Immediate Preparation Required, 2d-1 × 10 minutes, -45%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Gadgeteering, -0%; Special feature: ST bonus and Super Jump apply to wearer, not armor) [185].

117 points

With 3d-2 hours of work and an Engineer (Stardrive) roll, you can install a stardrive on a vehicle, which allows the vehicle to travel through hyperspace at a right of 1 parsec per day. This works best on spacecraft, because stardrives only work in space, but there's nothing to stop you from installing one on another large vehicle, say, a tank. The drive will continue working for 1.5 hours × your margin of success from when it is first turned on. This means without Permanent Modification, interstellar travel will pose difficulties, but even without a stardrive is far superior to any other method for travel within a system. You can extend the duration by working longer and making multiple rolls, as with other equipment modifications.

Statistics: Afflictions 1 (Advantage, Modified Warp, +950%; Based on Own IQ Roll, +20%; Cosmic, Duration is cumulative, +100%; Delay, Triggered, +50%; Extended Duration, x100, +60%; No Signature, +20%; Accessibility, Only on vehicles weighing at least 10 tons, -40%; Immediate Preparation Required, 3d-2 hours, -60%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Gadgeteering, -0%) [117] • Modified Warp is Warp (Reliable 10, +50%; Risky Blind, +10%; Futuristic, -5%; Hyperjump, 1 parsec per day, -20%; Naked, -30%) [95].

Last edited by Michael Thayne; 09-03-2017 at 04:29 PM.
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