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Old 09-09-2017, 11:46 AM   #15
Join Date: Dec 2004
Default Re: Superhero Template Ideas

Originally Posted by Phantasm View Post
I was thinking 250 for pre-powers (remember that I'm treating a number of cinematic traits as "super-normal 'powers'" for this). For the Wildcards, I was going to offer a "wildcard alternative" on a number of templates.

And I don't have Action 4 (in fact, I forgot it exists)... I should pick it up soon, but my entertainment budget for this month is already spent as I cut back on a lot of stuff to have my car's rear end worked on. I had taken a look at Action 1, which I may permit a few templates from.
I was thinking of the Pointless Dungeon Looting/Monster Hunting from Pyramid which relied on Wildcard skills among other things.

Action 4 has a character generation system which works more or less like this:

Archetype - 100 pt combination of Attributes and Characteristics (e.g., Talented Hero, DX 12, IQ 12, HT 11, Speed 6.0, Per 13.)

Generic Advantages - 25 to 30 points, possibly some fixed.

Everyman skills - 10 to 15 points in skills every character should have

Disadvantages - -50, possibly grouped by theme

That brings you to a net 100 points. Then you have 25 or 50 point lenses to pick, which would cover the skill sets for soldiers, students, etc.

It's a different approach but it seems to me that superhero backgrounds are so varied making a template for each might be too complicated. On the other hand you've already put work into specific templates for spies, students, etc so that might be for the best.
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